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About 缘起


        Chinese Metaphysics study exists since the ancient days. This study is mysterious and it seems like nothing is impossible. It includes Feng Shui, numerology, Qi Men Dun Jia, face reading, palm reading and date selection, etc. Some of us choose not to believe it because there is no scientific proof or studies done on it. And there are some who are fascinated by it, whilst others are relying on it to the extreme. Believe it or not, it does exist.


        Since I was a child, I tend to get interested in strange phenomenon including Chinese metaphysics. This is due to the influence of my parents. They always believe that by placing auspicious items in a house or wearing auspicious ornament will bring good luck to them. They even can sense their luck being affected every time they move into a new house. Unfortunately, they do not know the exact reason behind all of it. All they know is it has to do with the house's feng shui.


        When I own my first property, I also reviewed the feng shui of my house. Just like my parents. Back in those days, the internet was not as fully developed as now. The only convenient way to learn feng shui was from books. During that time in Malaysia, I only know of two famous feng shui master – Lilian Too and Joey Yap. I bought some of their books on feng shui and date selection calendar. From there I started to analyse the feng shui of my house by myself.

        I still remember that time I treat the feng shui shop like my second home because every time I am there I would just window shop there because I couldn't afford any of it. But occasionally, I still will spend whenever I had spare money on the auspicious items that I naively believe it can change my life. I had been using the same method and reference books for years in my other properties after the first one.

        Coincidentally in 2017, I got to know from a friend that Joey Yap has an academy that is opened to the public to learn Chinese metaphysics. Excitedly, I signed up for the Mastery Academy of Feng Shui. From there I met with a lot of his fans from all around the world and they shared a lot of their real story on how Chinese metaphysics has helped their life miraculously. The more I heard, the more doubts appeared in my mind: "Is that true, it really works like a magic? Or you exaggerate it?" When more and more real-life stories came from the people that you know, I became more interested in Chinese metaphysics.


        My interest didn't stop at feng shui. I slowly learnt about BaZi, Qi Men Dun Jia, face reading and more.


        While I constantly learn more on the Chinese metaphysics, at the same time I’m also seeking for the truth to clear my doubts. "Fun's metathoughts" is specially created to share my little discoveries and knowledge on the subject of metaphysics. Hopefully, you can walk away with a bit of knowledge that can bring some change in your life! Let’s learn together! Have fun!

        玄学是历史悠久,看似无所不知,无所不能又神奇的一门学问。它里边包含了风水, 命理,奇门遁甲,面相,掌相, 择日等。有些人完全不相信它的存在,因为没有明确的科学根据; 有些人呢却为它着迷;甚至有些人过于信任而导致走火入魔,完全失去自我。无论您是投信任票或不信任票,在某个程度上,它确实是存在的。


        自小我就对奇奇怪怪的东西感兴趣,玄学也不例外, 这可能是受到父母的影响吧。他们相信吉祥摆设品或装饰品可以为他们带来好运,也认为每次搬家都会影响运气,但背后真真的原因他们却不晓得,他们只知道这全都是”风水”在作怪。当我拥有自己的屋子时,我也像我父母一样“风水”我的家。那时候网络不发达,唯一的学习管道就是书籍。那时候我只认识Joey Yap和Lilian Too, 买了一些他们的风水书和 择日日历,就开始DIY咯。记得那时候,我把风水专卖店当成了我第二个家,但是只看没买,价钱负担不起啊,偶尔有余钱会买些便宜的。接着下来的屋子,也是靠这几本书就了事了。r


        时隔多年,机缘巧合之下,在2017年我得知原来Joey Yap拥有一间提供给大众进修玄学的学院 (我知道我慢了好多拍!)。当时在兴奋的心情下签下了我第一个课程 - 风水。在这里,认识到很多来自世界各国不同层次的玄学爱好者,也听闻很多关于玄学为他们生命里带来的突破。他们所分享的个个都是精彩绝伦的真人真事,有时听了,还挺难以置信的,内心总会冒出一些疑问: “有这样神奇吗?” “立刻见效,您们是把它夸大了吧?” 但是,就是这些一个接一个的真实故事,而又是发生在我认识的人身上,令我对玄学的胃口大开了,风水学再也满足不了我的“食欲”了,慢慢地我接触到八字学,奇门遁甲学,面相学,择日学等,一发不可收拾,从此在玄学里踏上了不归路。


        在不停追求知识的同时,我也不停在求实以解开我心里面的疑问。“芬的玄学思维” 就是特别设立来与大家分享我的小发现以及玄学一些小知识以供大家参考。更希望它能在您迷茫的时做您的指南针,给您一线曙光;在您面临逆境时助您一把之力,扭转局势;在您最求梦想时可以顺水乘舟,赢得精彩又或者纯粹满足您对玄学好奇的欲望。无论您是哪一类型都欢迎大家一起来学习。


I'm an apprentice of Joey Yap's team

Mainly assist in BaZi express reading, floor plan analysis during workshops or events. I also help in solving students or audience doubt by using QiMen method.

我现在是Joey Yap's团队里的一位学徒

一般上,我会在活动或作坊里为学生们或观众们做快速八字解码,分析他们房产平面图。 偶尔也会用奇门遁甲解开他们的疑惑。

Journey 足迹


  • Joey Yap's Feng Shui & Astrology Live Events 2019 (KL)

  • Joey Yap's Feng Shui & Astrology Live Events 2019 (Penang)

  • Joey Yap's Mini Feng Shui & Astrology Live Events 2019 (Vietnam)

  • Joey Yap's Speaking Engagement 2019 (Maybank)

  • Joey Yap's Speaking Engagement 2019 (Mah Sing)

  • Joey Yap's 2019 Feng Shui & Business Outlook (Schneider Electric)

  • Home Dec KL Apr 2019

  • Apprentice of Team Joey Yap

  • ​Joey Yap's Grow Rich with BaZi 2019

  • Feng Shui Secrets of Successful Property Investor (UOA)

  • Feng Shui Academy Live Events 2019 (KL)

  • Home Dec KL Oct 2019 

  • Joey Yap's Yin Feng Shui Class 2019

  • Joey Yap's Thrive 2020



2007 - 2016

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