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3 Victories Day 三胜日

Writer's picture: Fun's MetathoughtsFun's Metathoughts

Updated: May 14, 2019

My master always remind us: “3 Victories day is a sure win day. We must do something to make ourselves better. Do not waste it because it only appears a few days in a year.” But I never bother with it even though I marked it in my Google calendar.

Until one day, when I posted an item for sale in a Facebook group and the price was a few thousand ringgit. Unfortunately, after quite some time, there were no request for it. In the evening, I received a message from the group admin saying my post had violated one of the group’s rules. Thus was rejected. Deep in my heart I felt this was not fair because there were many similar posts which were approved. After some checks, I found out that that day was my Seven Killings day. No wonder I had so many hiccups on that day. But at the same time I discovered the next day was my Divine Force day which is my wealth day. I told myself, “Let's try it out!”

On the next day, I made some minor edits on the post and reposted it to the same group. In five minutes, I received a number of requests from potential buyers. After some filtration, I shortlisted two buyers who fulfilled my requirements but they asked for discount. Normally, I will give discount just to close the deal faster. But today was my sure win day. Since I wanted to test its power, I did not give any discount. I justified to the buyers why there were no discount. And guess what? The deal was DONE! It only took me little time than expected and it seems that the Divine Force day really works! What a happy day for me. Unfortunately after this incident, I didn’t really think much about the 3 Victories day and forgot about it again.

Recently, I had a bad throat infection plus a serious cough. Usually I will feel better after using some natural healing methods. But this time, unfortunately, none of them could make me better. Every day I wished the next day I would be better because it has been haunting me for about a couple of weeks. One night, I noticed an ulcer on my tongue. It made me suspect my throat might have an ulcer too because my throat was so painful. I did a round of natural healing around midnight and then went to sleep. I woke up at 6 AM and felt much better because my ulcer and throat did not give me a problems anymore. No more pain but the coughing was still there. If you experienced ulcer or bad sore throat before you definitely know it is impossible to completely heal in a day.

When strange incidents happened, I will find out if it is because of something I have done right. To my surprise that day was my Divine Light day, which is good for healing and I had performed the correct tasks on this day. This led to this miracle incident. Other than this, I have no better explanation.

Believe it or not? Experience it yourself! The following calendar indicates some of the 3 Victories day for this month. If you are the lucky one, you will find yours. If not then you might need to find out yourself. Have Fun!

Important: For emergency cases please do not wait till the 3 Victories day to take action! You should take action immediately.

师傅常说,三胜日是必胜日,一定要在当天做一些可以提升自己的事,不要把它白白浪费掉,因为一日难求。我是左耳进,右耳出啊!但我有把一年里属于我的三胜日都找出来,还记录在Google日历里,之后就不了了之了。至到有一天,我把我的物品放上面子书的群里卖,卖价几千马币,但在几个小时里都完全没有反应。到了傍晚还给管理员警告。真倒霉,怎么别人的贴都好好的,就只有我的不批呢?好奇之下,就拿出了通书,发现原来是我的七杀日。查着查着,我看见明天就是我的Divine Force日,心想,这天是我的财日啊,就让我试试看是不是这么厉害。

当天,我把贴删了。 到了明天,我把贴整理好后,重新放到同一个群里。就在短短的五分钟内,就有很多买家询问。经过筛选后,只有两位买家符合我的要求,但他们要求打折。Divine Force 日是谈判的胜日,胜利肯定在我这方嘛,所以我决定一分都不减。这样的举动,分分钟会把这买卖弄垮了,但是为了见识Divine Force日的威力,就得硬着头皮咯。我和他们说有的没的,最终他们接受了我的卖价,也就是说我赢了!整个交易就在很短的时间内谈妥了!真的很开心。过了这件事,我又打回原形,没有把三胜日放在眼里。


当神奇事件发生,好奇的我就会差差看有什么事我做对了呢?我发现,那天正是我的Divine Light日,恰好是疗愈的好日子,而我又在这一天做了自然疗法。就这样,天时地利人和,奇迹出现了。除了这个理由,我还未想到更好的解释。


注意 紧急事件别等到三胜日才处理!应立刻处理!

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