If you don't have your BaZi chart, do get it from the link below. Plus it's FREE! :) https://destinyx.masteryacademy.com
Today, we are still on the topic of the Day Master box. This post is especially for the Ding Fire Day Master.
We all know the primary use of a candle, don't we? It brings brightness in the dark. The Ding Day Master is just like a candle, they like to help, guide, motivate and bring hope to people around them. If you noticed, these characteristics are similar to the Bing Day Master. The difference is they are not able to light up a big area like the sun. Thus, the Ding Day master is only able to take good care of the people who are close to them because like a candle it can only light up a small space. Let's relax and admire the glow from the candle. You will notice that the little flame swaying along with our breath. It feels so calm and peaceful. However, we know that fire is hot and the molecules are moving fast when the temperature is high. Hence, people with the Ding Day Master has a calm and elegant personality. At the same time, they are energetic and passionate too. This also indicates that when something happen, they may look calm but inside they are very much worried. They are very cultured and considerate towards others. They always think of others first before themselves akin to a candle burning "itself" to benefit others. What a beautiful sacrifice.
The other side of the coin, people with the Ding Day Master cannot stay focus and are fickle-minded. When we look at the candle's flame, it doesn't stay at a point for a long time. It flickers to the left, right, up and down constantly. Besides that, they are also very temperamental. They can be cool and steady at one moment and then furious at the next. As we know, a spark can burn down the entire forest rapidly. If you appreciate friendship or relationship with the Ding Fire Day Master, never try to challenge them or you will regret it because once they hate you, it is the end of the game, no U-turn. Look at it this way. It takes ages to restore a burnt down forest. Candlelight is very sensitive to the wind. Identical to the Ding Fire Day Master, they are very sensitive to the environment. They can sense people with bad intentions. They also have a sixth sense for other matters.
For a fire to keep burning, it needs firewood. So Jia wood (firewood) is very important to the Ding Fire Day Master. And wood indicates growth/education. To the Ding Fire person, they like to learn and share as this gives them a sense of accomplishment. They are a true teacher and carer. Their sensitivity plus their sixth sense gives them the advantage to learn Chinese Metaphysics effortlessly too. The preferred time for a Ding Fire person to be born is between 5 pm – 5 am, which is the most beautiful moment for a candle to light-up. Wood only keeps the fire burning. Yet, the fire's purpose is to forge metal. If we can find Geng metal (metal) in a Ding Fire's BaZi chart including all the mentioned above, then this will be the best! This means they are fulfilled with knowledge and have a life purpose. Need not to say, water always is a fire's enemy. And Ding fire also does not like the sun because whenever the sun is there no one will notice the candlelight. Ding fire does not like to see Gui water (water) and Bing Fire (sun) in its natal chart.
Oh ya, I almost forgot one more important point about Ding Fire. It is the master of transformation. It is the only Heavenly Stem that can change all the other elements. It changes wood into aches, water into steam, metal into liquid and earth to lava. This makes them very persuasive, and a great motivator!
丁日主也有不好的一面,他们难以集中,难以做抉择。烛光是无时无刻的晃动着难以定下来,因为受到风的影响。如果把它封密,没有空气,它也无法点燃。他们的脾气也变化无策,来得很快,一发不能收拾。他们心情好时,可以是诱人的烛光,脾气来时,就会是火魔,谁靠近他们都会被”吞没“。正所谓,星星之火可以燎原。一丁点的火,足以摧毁整个森林。如果您重视与丁日主的感情,别尝试去挑逗他因为他们翻脸好像翻书一样而已,事后也难以挽回。丁日主的人也很敏感, 就像刚才所提到,烛光对风很敏感。他们对人有敏锐的判断力, 也有第六感哦!
火是需要材来延烧。丁日主命盘如果带有甲木(材)是好事。木在五行里象征自我成长/ 教育。对于丁火的人,不断的学习和分享是他们人生中大大的满足。所以他们是正真的老师和护工。加上他们的敏感度和第六感,也让他们学起玄学来特别容易。黑暗里的烛光是最亮眼的,所以丁日主出生于傍晚5点后之凌晨五点前为佳。木材让火延续“生命”,但是如果有金属物质让它灼成器就能大大地提升它的功能。也就是说,丁日主的命盘如带庚金(金属物质)再加上以上所需要的条件就完美了,整个人生就会有智慧和使命。不必说,我们也知道水是火的死敌,丁火也不欢迎太阳的出现把它的风头给抢光光。可以的话,丙火(太阳)和癸水(水)别出现在丁日主命盘里咯。
Ding Day Master Good - help, guide, motivate and bring hope to people around them, take good care of the people who are close to them, calm and elegant, energetic and passionate, cultured and considerate towards others, sensitive, sixth sense, true teacher or carer, learn Chinese Metaphysics effortlessly, persuasive, great motivator Bad - cannot stay focus and are fickle-minded, temperamental, once relationship broken, cannot be restored Ding Day Master Natal Chart Likes - Jia, Geng, born between 5pm - 5am Hates - Gui, Bing
丁日主 好 - 爱于助人,指导他人,激励他人和给予他人希望,很会照顾身边的人,冷静而优雅的个性,充满活力和热情,有教养,处处为别人着想,敏感,第六感,正真的老师和护工,学起玄学来特别容易,说服力了得,激励之神 坏 - 难以集中,难以做抉择,翻脸好像翻书,难以挽回,脾气也变化无策 丁日主命盘 喜欢 - 甲,庚,出生于5pm - 5am 讨厌 - 癸,丙
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