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BaZi Static Reading 4: Discover Our Talents - TheArtist 论八字4:发掘我们的专长 - 食神格

Writer's picture: Fun's MetathoughtsFun's Metathoughts

Updated: Feb 6, 2020

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After knowing our personalities, it is time for us to discover our talent. Our focus point today is the 10 profiles, which are located at the bottom of your BaZi chart as below.

了解我们的个性之后,是时候发掘我们的才能了。 所以今天的中心点是在我们八字命盘右下角的十神格,如下图所示。

Let's focus on the top two to three talents in our chart that will bring us maximum wealth opportunities or easier skills that can be exchanged for monetary opportunities. These are gifted skills when we were born. It is easy to trigger them and they are the things that we like to do or we do the best in. The skills that are not within the top three will take longer and more effort to master. In this fast-moving era, everything is about speed. So why waste time to focus on something that is not your forte? :)


在八字命盘十神格里的前两到三个指数最高的,就是我们天赋技能。它就是我们喜欢或最擅长的技能,特别容易掌握。专注在自己喜欢做的往往会事半功倍, 用它来换取赚钱的机会就最好不过了。那些不在前三名中的技能将需要花费更长的时间和更多的精力来掌握。 在这个快速发展的时代,一切都讲求速度,为何我们还要浪费时间在那些吃力不讨好的事呢?值得深思吧? :)

The Artist

By the name itself, we know that this profile is about someone who appreciates art a lot. They cannot separate art from their life. Most of the time they will use art to represent how they feel or see the world. Creativity is their power but this is more towards Yin side in the Chinese Metaphysics perspective, which means their interest is mostly at the quiet side of art like painting, music, cooking, handicraft, interior design, etc. And also they have characteristics of an introvert and prefer to be low profile. As long as things are unique or refined, it will most certainly catch their attention.

A person with the Artist profile keeps seeking joy in their life. They like to enjoy and experience life. They do not like stress but they can recover fast from sadness because they cannot waste time to stop at the bad moment for too long. This is because they have a variety of interest plus they get excited with all sorts of new things and there are too many interesting new life experiences out there waiting for them to participate and taste the pleasure of it. To a certain extent, a person with the Artist profile is quite naive. They want everything to be perfect but we know nothing is perfect in this world. So they always let themselves float in a fantasy world because in that world everything is possible and perfect. Unfortunately, this mindset is not practical in real life. That's why it is not easy for another person to get along with them unless they vibrate at the same wavelength as them. Haha!

They wish for everything to be perfect and they do hope others will see them as a perfect person too. Because of this, deep inside, they always have a lot of worries and fears on how others see them. Another thing that makes them feel the same way is a stagnant or routine life. As discussed earlier, the Artist profile person needs to be constantly stimulated by new things. If there is no progress in their life, they will feel demotivated, bored and trapped. There is a saying that a person with the Artist profile is a romantic person because they always come out with new creative ways to keep the spark in a relationship.


食神格这名词会让我们联想到食物吧?没错,食神格的人的确很有口福,他们往往有享尽美食的机会。除此之外,他们是个非常欣赏艺术的人, 他们的生活点滴离不开艺术。 一般来说,他们都会用绘画,音乐,烹饪,手工艺,室内设计等艺术来代表他们对世界的感觉或看法。根据玄学来说,食神格的人具有创作力,但是偏向于阴那方面的,比较静态的,就像以上所描述的。他们性格内向,喜欢低调。 只要是独特的或精致的,肯定会得到他们的喜好。

食神格的人会不断在生活中寻求快乐。 他们喜欢享受和体验生活。 他们不喜欢压力,但可以从悲伤中快速恢复,他们不会浪费时间停留在坏情绪太久,因为 他们拥有多方面的兴趣,尤其是有新鲜感的,加上外面的世界这么精彩,有这么多新事物,新经历等着他们去发掘和尝试,他们那里能抵挡这些诱惑呢?当然是快快收拾心情,尽情的享受”新大陆“咯。 在某种程度上,食神格的人会很幼稚。 他们希望一切都完美,是一个完美主义者,但我们知道在这个世界上没有什么是完美的。 因此,他们总是让自己活在幻想的世界里,因为在那个世界,一切都是可能的并且是完美的。 不幸的是,这种思维方式在现实生活中根本不切实际。 这就是为什么一般普通人都很难与食神格的人相处,除非你是他们的同类。 哈哈!

他们希望一切都完美,也希望其他人将他们视为完美的人。 因此,他们内心深处总是对别人如何看待他们感到担忧和恐惧。他们也不喜欢停滞或一成不变的生活。 如前所述,食神格的人需要不断受到新事物的刺激。 如果他们的生活没有进步,他们会感到沮丧,无聊和被困住。 据说食神格的人是一个浪漫的人,这不是没有根据的,因为他们点子多,会不断地想出新鲜而又有创意方式来保持爱情中的火花。

The Artist appreciates art, creativity, introvert , low profile, attract to unique or refined things, seeking joy in their life, enjoy and experience life, do not like stress, recover fast from sadness, variety of interest, get excited with all sorts of new things, naive, want everything to be perfect, not practical, worries and fears on how others see them, needs to be constantly stimulated by new things, romantic.
食神格 有口福;欣赏艺术;有创作力;性格内向;低调;独特的或精致;在生活中寻求快乐;喜欢享受和体验生活;不喜欢压力;从悲伤中快速恢复;拥有多方面的兴趣,尤其是有新鲜感的;幼稚;完美主义者;不切实际;总是对别人如何看待他们感到担忧和恐惧;不喜欢停滞或一成不变的生活;不断受到新事物的刺激;浪漫

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