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After knowing our personalities, it is time for us to discover our talent. Our focus point today is the 10 profiles, which are located at the bottom of your BaZi chart as below.
了解我们的个性之后,是时候发掘我们的才能了。 所以今天的中心点是在我们八字命盘右下角的十神格,如下图所示。
Let's focus on the top two to three talents in our chart that will bring us maximum wealth opportunities or easier skills that can be exchanged for monetary opportunities. These are gifted skills when we were born. It is easy to trigger them and they are the things that we like to do or we do the best in. The skills that are not within the top three will take longer and more effort to master. In this fast-moving era, everything is about speed. So why waste time to focus on something that is not your forte? :)
在八字命盘十神格里的前两到三个指数最高的,就是我们天赋技能。它就是我们喜欢或最擅长的技能,特别容易掌握。专注在自己喜欢做的往往会事半功倍, 用它来换取赚钱的机会就最好不过了。那些不在前三名中的技能将需要花费更长的时间和更多的精力来掌握。 在这个快速发展的时代,一切都讲求速度,为何我们还要浪费时间在那些吃力不讨好的事呢?值得深思吧? :)
The Performer
The Performer is different from the Artist even though both appreciate art and carry a high sense of creativity. The Artist profile is the Yin side of art whilst the Performer is the Yang, like an actor, speaker, magician, dancer, singer, etc. The word "performer" makes us think of a stage and limelight. Yes, that's right! They like to be under the spotlight, to be a superstar on "stage" in certain aspects, like to seek attention, being high profile and strong opinionated. They are their brand. At every single moment, they portray the best of themselves in the public's eye. Therefore, regardless of gender, they are anyhow quite good looking or pretty.
A person with the Performer profile has a strong desire for things they want. Regardless of the things are good or bad, they will get it as long as they want. They like challenges, the harder to get it, the more they want it. Other than that, they are also very rebellious. The more they have been controlled, the more they will do the opposite. They love freedom very much, the more freedom they have, the better they can perform. For females with the Performer profile, all the above-mentioned characteristics will indirectly create some sort of threatening force to her partner. It makes the journey of their relationship bumpy. So the male needs to learn to control their desire as the female needs to control their behaviour to have a better relationship.
The Performer profile indicates strong learning power and street smart. People with this profile at the unhealthy level will think they are the top of the top and ignore all advice from others. Their fear arises when they can't get affirmation from others, which they are desperately looking for. These forces them to keep pushing themselves to feel valued but put too much priority on external factors which are not long-lasting. Most of the time they will end up doing something out of their ability and this will cause failure. If they can't accept the fact that they are a loser then they will be in a self deceive mode where they will come up with a lot of excuses to make themselves look better or worse using unconventional ways to achieve their goal. They are their own worse enemy as they always think people put high expectations on them. Sad to say that they will never reveal the dim side of themselves to others and this makes them lonely and depressed.
伤官格与食神格不同,尽管两者都欣赏艺术并具有丰富的创造力。但是食神格在艺术界是属于阴的,比较低调,而伤官格则属于阳,超级高调,例如演员,演讲者,魔术师,舞者,歌手等。以上的例子都带有一个共同点,就是要有舞台,灯光和观众。然后目标只有一个,就是给观众留下深刻的印象。 是的,他们喜欢成为众人瞩目的焦点人物,成为某个领域里的巨星,喜欢寻求关注和有见地。 他们就是他们自己的品牌, 绝不与他人共享这光环。无时无刻,他们都会在公众展现自己的最好的一面。也因如此,无论男女,伤官格的人多数都看起来都很起眼。
伤官格的人对他们想要的东西有强烈的欲望。 无论是好是坏,他们都会设法得到它。 他们喜欢挑战,越难获得,他们越想要。 除此之外,他们也非常叛逆。 你越要控制他,他就越和你唱反调。 相反的,你越给他自由,他的表现就越好。因为他们热爱自由,讨厌被约束。 对于伤官格的女性来说,上述所有特征都会间接的对她的伴侣造成某种程度的威胁, 这使他们的感情路线坎坷。 因此,男性需要学习控制自己的欲望,而女性则需要控制自己的行为以建立更美好的爱情。
伤官格者具有强大的学习能力和机灵过人。 在严重的情况下,他们会自认是最高尚的,不会接受他人的意见。 一旦发现无法得到他人的肯定时,就会产生恐惧。 为了得到众人的肯定,他们会花很多心思把自己最光鲜的一面呈现给大家看。但是,外表是不能带来持久性的光环呀,过分重视只会浪费时间。 又或者爱出风头,强迫自己做出超越本身能力之事,最终以失败收场。 失败后问题就更多了,很多时候他们不能接受自己是失败者的事实,就会处于自欺欺人的状态,会用很多借口来掩饰,更可怕的是,他们可能会为达目标,不择手段。 其实,他们就是自己最大的敌人,他们一直认为别人对他们的期望很高,所以想尽办法来证明自己就是那么的杰出,永远不会透露自己丑陋的一面。真的是垭口吃黄连,有苦自知,即孤独又沮丧。
The Performer appreciate art, high sense of creativity, like to be under the spotlight, to be a superstar on "stage" in certain aspects, like to seek attention, being high profile and strong opinionated, quite good looking or pretty, strong desire, like challenges, rebellious, love freedom, relationship bumpy (Female), strong learning power, street smart, ignore all advice, fear arises when they can't get affirmation, keep pushing themselves, doing something out of their ability and this will cause failure, self deceive, unconventional ways, own worse enemy.
伤官格 欣赏艺术;有丰富的创造力;高调;喜欢成为众人瞩目的焦点人物;成为某个领域里的巨星;喜欢寻求关注和有见地;不与他人共享这光环;起眼;有强烈的欲望;喜欢挑战;叛逆;热爱自由;感情路线坎坷(女);强大的学习能力和机灵过人;不会接受他人的意见;无法得到他人的肯定时,就会产生恐惧;爱出风头;做出超越本身能力之事,最终以失败收场;为达目标,不择手段;他们就是自己最大的敌人
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