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For today's topic, we are still focusing on the Day Master box. This post is especially for Jia Wood Day Master.
Let's imagine Jia Wood as a big tree. A tree normally grows in one direction, which is up. So, a Jia wood person is very straight forward and have very strong principles. They do not know how to sugar coat their words and most of the time they offend others without even realizing it. We like to be around trees as they provide shelter for us. This means that a Jia wood person is very protective to the people around them or close to them. They are also a kind person, like a tree providing fruits for people. We know that it is impossible to bend a matured tree and they hardly move (always at the same location). This indicates that they are inflexible, stubborn and not easy to change plus they will not admit their own fault. Even though they know it is wrong, they will still continue down the path because a tree will only grow in one direction no matter what.
Jia is a lead stem (first in the 10 Heavenly Stem), which makes a Jia wood person likes to lead. You may check among your friends who are Jia Day Master. Normally, they are the leader in the group. But they cannot be too high profile or hold top positions in the company, country, organization or industry because as we know, big trees attract wind and it can bring them down. Once they are in a very high position, they will surely attract a lot of competitors and petty people to pull them down. One more thing about Jia Wood Day Master is they will pre reveal their goals and responsible for it regardless it can be achieved or not because they are thick-skinned (tree skin is thick ) and they can take it even if it fails.
In nature, the function of a tree is to provide shelter during a hot weather or heat during a cold one. In order to provide shelter, a tree needs soil, water and sunlight to constantly grow; or chop a tree down for firewood to provide heat. In other words, we like to see Ji Earth (Soil), Gui Water (water) and Bing Fire (Sun) or Geng Metal (axe) and Ding Fire (fire) in a Jia Wood Day Master's natal chart to show that they have direction or mission in life. Big trees do not like to see other big trees nearby because they need to spread their roots widely in order to grow in a steady manner. If another big tree is within their territory, it feels threatened. Same with water. Too much water will up root the entire tree. So Jia Wood Day Master hates to see another Jia Wood (big tree) as well as Ren Water (too much water) in their natal chart because both also caused problem in their life.
我们把甲木想象为一颗大树。一般上,大树只会向上生长。从这一点,我们就可以看得出甲木的人很直率,很有自己的原则。他们不晓得如何修饰他们的词语,更别说是花言巧语,所以往往得罪了人也不知道。我们很喜欢有树木的地方因为它们可以为我们遮荫。也就是说甲木的人很会保护他身边的人或和他关系密切的人。他们也有一颗善良的心,就像大树不断的给人们提供果实。大树也有它不好的一面,它不可能被弯曲和它们也不会离开它的生长地。这代表了甲木的人不灵活, 固执,不愿意做出改变也不会承认自己的错。即使他们知道这是错误的,他们仍然会继续走下去,因为无论如何,树只会向一个方向生长。
甲在十天干排名第一 (天干之首),所以甲木的人喜爱做首领。如果我们稍微注意一下我们朋友群里甲木的人是否都是负责给指挥,又或者我们有事时第一时间向他们求助,就像我们的大哥哥大姐姐那样。悲哀的是,他们不能在公司,国家,集团或行业里太高调或担任最高职位因为树大招风,会把他们吹倒。在现实生活里,如果他们持有最高职位, 很容易招惹竞争者或小人的伤害。还有一样关于甲木日主就是他们会预先向大家揭露他们的目标,做不做到是另一回事,但是他们会为他们所讲的负责。即使到最后是失败的,他们也可以承担因为他们脸皮厚(树皮很厚耶)。
在大自然界里,树在大热天里让人们乘凉,在大冷天里让人们取暖, 这就是它们的使命。树木需要土壤,水和阳光才能不断生长,形成一颗大树来提供遮荫的地方; 或在寒冷的天气里,把树砍下当材烧来给人们取暖。 换句话说,如果我们在甲日主的命盘里看见己土(土壤),癸 水(水)和丙火(太阳)或庚金(斧头)和丁火(火)。这表明他们在生活里有方向,有使命。 大树不喜欢在附近看到其他大树,因为它们需要广泛传播它们的根,以便稳定地生长。 如果另一棵大树在他们的领土内,它会感到受到威胁。水也是一样, 太多的水使大树失去平衡而倒下或被冲走。 因此,我们不希望在甲木日主命盘里看见另一个甲木(大树)以及壬水(太多的水),因为这两者会使日主发挥不到他们的潜能。
Jia Day Master Good - Straight forward, strong principle, protective, kind, like to lead, growth, create territory, responsible, thick-skinned Bad - Inflexible, stubborn, not easy to change, will not admit own fault, no plan to fix any mistakes and will continue with their plan, attract petty people/ competitor once in high position Jia Day Master Natal Chart Likes - Bing, Gui, Ji / Geng, Ding Hates - Jia (especially in Heavenly Stem), Ren
甲日主 好 - 直率,有原则,保护身边的人,善良,喜欢领导,不断求进步,霸占领土,负责,脸皮厚 坏 - 不灵活, 固执,不愿意做出改变,不会承认自己的错,容易招惹竞争者或小人的伤害如果站在高峰 甲日主命盘 喜欢 - 己,癸 ,丙 / 庚,丁 讨厌 - 甲,壬
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