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BaZi Static Reading 2: Start from Self (Day Master - Wu) 論八字 2: 从了解自己开始 (日主 - 戊)

Writer's picture: Fun's MetathoughtsFun's Metathoughts

Updated: Oct 4, 2019

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Today, we are still on the topic of the Day Master box. This post is especially for the Wu Earth Day Master.


Sorry to keep everyone waiting, especially the Wu Day Master. Maybe it is due to the influence of the Wu earth slow-motion nature. That's why it took quite a while to get this article out :p. Ok, jokes aside.

The Wu earth is like a big mountain or a giant rock, thus making them immovable. It's a bit disappointing though when we expect a Wu person to do things quickly. By looking at this point alone, we know that a Wu person needs time to break the ice. Once you get closer, they can be fun to be with. However, they are not the romantic type. Err... Can you imagine a gigantic rock but in a romantic way. Hmm... Interesting ^^. They can be very stubborn too. It is hard for them to change their mind unless they experience a huge impact because the only way to change a mountain or a rock is to "blast" it. Once they have decided to do something, they can be unstoppable. Normally the Wu Day Master will not offer help unless we ask for it because a mountain will not come to us only we go look for a mountain. So this makes us feel that they are egoistic. There is a lot of "treasure" hidden inside a mountain. This shows that a Wu person is very secretive, they like to keep things to themselves. We need to slowly gain their trust then only they will start to reveal their secret and this is not an easy task. It is akin to having the patience to excavate a mountain to find the treasure but is not a guarantee. This mystery and unpredictable feeling can attract people towards them but the Wu people themselves do not know about it. Not only does the Wu person like to keep secrets, but they also like to keep old stuff too:). Things inside a mountain can be older than you and me :D.

Ok, enough of the negative side of the Wu earth. Let's now discover its beauty. The immovability of the Wu earth provides both negative and positive features at the same time. It makes them stable, reliable and responsible. We can say that they are secretive. So don't you think it is good to reveal our secret to a trustworthy person? Not only that, we can throw our tantrum to a Wu person as they have a huge capacity to absorb it without erupting. Same goes to pressure, they can take in a lot of pressure too. It sounds good to have a Wu earth person as a soul mate. They are very good listeners because they are the quiet type and our secrets are safe with them. At the same time, we get relief. Relationships are important to the Wu Day Master. Sometimes they care too much for others and neglect their own. They are also considered as a go-with-the-flow and play-safe type of person because most of the time they will follow the majority decisions made so they won't offend others thus again neglecting themselves.

In a Feng Shui perspective, we like to see lush mountains that are full of trees and we categorized them as a healthy dragon. When we add in the ray of the sun, it will then look more lively. So for the Wu Day Master, we wish to see Jia (trees) and Bing (Sun) in their BaZi natal chart. To a mountain, stability and mineral are important. So a mountain does not like to be exploded for minerals because it will lose its stability and being exposed. Which means, the Wu Day Master does not like to see Geng in the heavenly stem (exposed mineral) and clash happen in any pillars of their natal chart.


其实啊说真的,我们谁有看过一座座的高山在移动?可能地震时才有机会对吧?戊象征雄壮的高山,要它动,难过登天;更别说要它自己来到我们的面前。所以如果您要向戊日主求救/教,请自己走到他们面前向他们开口,这样才会有机会。有时真的觉得他们很高傲, 但是这可是他们的天性啊,我们只得学会接纳咯。如果第一次见面,一般来说他们都会静静的观察而不会主动的向人自我介绍, 但是认识后可能觉得他们挺有趣的。做东西也是慢条斯理的, 请给他们多一点时间。戊日主很固执,要改变他们的想法是件很困苦的事。山嘛,要如何改变他们的容貌?是不是得把它炸掉?他们需要经过很大的冲击才会改变,一旦决定了也没人可以阻止。山里藏有很多“宝藏“。一座山的形成可能用上百年,千年,埋藏在里面的东西肯定比它更老。戊土的人也像山一样,很喜欢手收集旧东西。除了旧东西,他们也喜欢将所有的秘密收在心里,不告诉别人。只要给一点耐性,慢慢地得到他们的信任,那么可能他们的💗窗会为我们而开,让我们进去看看。我是说可能而已哦,不是一定可以哦。当然嘛,就像我们入山寻宝,无论我们花了多少的时间,也未必一定会成功啊!对吧?就是这种无法捉摸而又神秘的感觉成为了他们无形的魅力,具有挑战性嘛!但是戊日主本身是不察觉的哦!

好了好了,是时候写些优点了,呵呵!山给我们的感觉是坚固的,所以戊日主给我们的感觉是稳重,可靠和有责任心。他们处理事务优先考量的也是与稳重为主,基础一定要好,如果不是,哪来的稳。他们不爱花俏,不多言语,绝非是浪漫型的情人,但是他们绝对是一位值得信任的聆听者。拥有这么的一位聆听者倒是不错,他们会静静地聆听,默默地保守我们地秘密,甚至可以让我们尽情地发泄也OK。他们就像山一样,容量很大,有的没的都可以往肚子里吞,这也显得他们可以承受压力。戊日主很重感情,有很多时候过于照顾他人的感受而忽略自己。他们不喜欢另类,如果大多数人都选择A,他们会觉得跟大队比较安全,应该不会错的。这也可能是他的顾及他人感受的个性在作怪吧, 这样才不会得罪他人。

从风水的角度来看,我们喜欢看到满是树木,郁郁葱葱的山峰,我们把它们归类为健康的龙。 如果添加太阳光线,它看起来会更加生动。 所以对于戊日主来说,我们希望在他们的八字命盘里看到甲(树)和丙(太阳)。 山代表稳定,埋藏里边的东四是它的宝。因此山不喜欢被开采,因为它会失去稳定性并且里边的宝被暴露,很没有安全感。 这意味着,戊日主不喜欢看到庚在天干(暴露的宝)和命盘任何柱子的地支有

Wu Day Master Good - unstoppable, stable, reliable and responsible, huge capacity, can take in a lot of pressure, good listeners, go-with-the-flow and play-safe, follow the majority, relationships is their priority Bad - immovable, not the romantic type, very stubborn, will not offer help unless we ask for it, egoistic, secretive, keep things to themselves, mystery and unpredictable, keep old stuff, neglect their own feeling Wu Day Master Natal Chart Likes - Jia, Bing Hates - Geng, Clash
戊日主 好 - 一旦决定了也没人可以阻止, 稳重,可靠和有责任心, 值得信任的聆听者, 容量很大可以承受压力, 很重感情, 不喜欢另类, 跟大队比较安全 坏 - 求救/教,请自己走到他们面前向他们开口, 高傲, 不会主动, 慢条斯理, 固执, 很喜欢手收集旧东西, 秘密收在心里,不告诉别人, 无法捉摸而又神秘的感觉, 绝非是浪漫型的情人, 过于照顾他人的感受而忽略自己 戊日主命盘 喜欢 - 甲,丙 讨厌 - 庚,相冲

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