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Today, we are still on the topic of the Day Master box. This post is especially for Yi Wood Day Master.
Yi Wood is like lawn, weed, grass, flowers, creepers or small plants. The first thing that comes to mind is they are able to spread very fast and far in a very short period of time. They are also hard to get rid of because they can grow in any condition and also in tough environments. What this means is people with Yi Wood Day Master are good in networking, they are survivor and very adaptive. What happens if there is a strong wind? A big tree would surely be uprooted. But, the small plants would just swing gracefully. This shows that Yi Wood person are very intelligent, flexible, creative and witty. They make very good politicians as they know how to play with their words and influence people. If you need someone to get any permissions or seal/negotiate deals, get a Yi Wood Day Master to do it as they are good with words and they know how to manipulate the other party without them realizing it. Some would call this cunning. Not only in words, they are also well mannered and elegant, just like a flower. So it is OK to bring them to a grand banquet. They will know how to portray themselves elegantly and mingle around.
Since they swing according to the wind, the thing they lack is self identity. Most of the time what they do or say is not what they want or in their mind. They swing here and there and this makes them inconsistent and hard to stick to one thing till the end. Yi Wood, unlike Jia Wood, have very soft skin thus making them fragile. Normally they will not tell others about their plan and they will only reveal it when it succeeds. Otherwise, they will just ignore the plan since nobody knows of its failure. Sometimes when we pull out one tiny plant and to our surprise, we need a lot of effort to do so. This is because its root spreads widely in the ground. A lot of times we see Yi Wood person as very calm on the surface but deep inside their mind they have a lot of hidden strategies that might be too late for you to notice if you are one of their competitors.
In order for plants to survive, we know they need soil, water and sunlight. But in order for creepers to get sunlight among all the big trees they need to climb around trees to reach to the top or they will die. So for Yi Wood Day Master, we like to see Ji Earth (soil), Gui Water (water), Bing Fire (Sun) and Jia Wood (big tree) in their natal chart. What they do not like are things that can cut them down and also too much of water which will make them float away or spoil their root. If Xin Metal (knife/ scissors) or Ren Water (too much water) appear in a Yi Wood Day Master's natal chart, they will reduce the Yi Wood's functionally as a beautiful and elegant plants/ flowers.
乙木犹如茅草,野草,攀藤,花或微型植物。我们第一个印象就是,它们可以在很短的时间内传播到很大的范围。我们也知道,野火烧不尽,春风吹又生;也就是说,如果斩草不除根的话,春风来时,野草就会重生。乙木是无处不在,无孔不入,再恶劣的环境下它们都可以生存, 真的是拿它们没办法。这也形容了乙木的人,善于交际,有顽强的生命力和他们的适应力也很强。如果遭到大风袭击,它们不会向大树一样向风对抗,吃眼前亏;它们只会随着风优雅的摆动。这再次证明力乙木的人聪明伶俐,灵活,创意和机智。他们可以搞政治因为他们的言语有影响力,可以影响民众。如果您需要得到某人的批准或商业谈判,派乙木的人去,因为他们善于言语,也知道如何在他人没有意识的情况之下操纵整个局面。所以,很多时候,乙木的人被众人认为是狡猾的。乙木的人不但语言了得,而且他们彬彬有礼, 也很优雅,就像花朵一样。请放心把他们带到盛宴,他们会懂得礼仪向周围的人交流。
乙木经常随风摆动,这也代表乙木的人会缺乏自我, 一时一样。往往他们所说的和所做的都不是他们真正想要的。也很难专一在一个领域里至到成功。乙木与甲木相反,它们的皮很薄,容易受伤。所以乙木的人心灵脆弱,不能承受他人指点。一般不会事先将他们想做的事公告天下除非成功完成。如果失败了,他们就把它放一旁,神不知,鬼不觉。不晓得您们有尝试过将一棵小草拔起,有时候会出乎我们预料,需要很大的力量因为小草的根出奇得多以及蔓延到很大的范围。很多时候我们觉得乙木得人表面看来没什么动静,其实可能他们已经有一连串的隐藏策略正在进行中。如果您是他们的竞争对手,等您察觉时可能已经被埋伏了。
Yi Day Master Good - networking, survivor, adaptive, intelligent, flexible, creative, witty, good politicians, influence, deal making, manipulate, good in words, well manner, elegant Bad - cunning, lack of self identity, inconsistent, fragile, do things underground Yi Day Master Natal Chart Likes - Bing, Gui, Ji, Jia Hates - Xin, Ren
乙日主 好 - 善于交际,有顽强的生命力,适应力强,聪明伶俐,灵活,创意,机智,搞政治,有影响力,善于言语,操纵局面,彬彬有礼, 优雅 坏 - 狡猾,缺乏自我, 一时一样,心灵脆弱,暗地里做事 乙日主命盘 喜欢 - 己,癸 ,丙 ,甲 讨厌 - 辛,壬
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